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1.—When do you usually eat breakfast? 你通常什么时候吃早饭?—I usually eat breakfast at seven o'clock. 我通常在七点吃早饭。

1.—When do you usually eat breakfast? 你通常什么时候吃早饭?

—I usually eat breakfast at seven o'clock. 我通常在七点吃早饭。

2.—What time does your father go to work? 你爸爸什么时候去上班?

—My father goes to work at nine o'clock in the morning. 我爸爸在早上九点去上班。

3.—When will you finish your homework? 你什么时候完成你的作业?

—I will finish my homework at five o'clock this afternoon. 我将在今天下午五点完成我的作业。

4.—What time does the bus arrive? 公交车什么时候到?

—The bus arrives at ten past seven. 公交车在七点十分到达。

5.—When do you usually go to bed? 你通常什么时候睡觉?

—I usually go to bed at eleven o'clock at night. 我通常在晚上十一点睡觉。

6.—When did you start learning English? 你什么时候开始学习英语?

—I started learning English when I was 12 years old. 我12岁时开始学习英语。

7.—What time is your flight? 你的航班是什么时候?

—My flight is at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. 我的航班是明天早上九点。

8.—When will you finish your project? 你什么时候完成你的项目?

—I will finish my project on Friday afternoon. 我将在星期五下午完成我的项目。

9.—What time do the buses depart? 公交车什么时候出发?

—The buses depart at 10 minutes past 6 every morning. 公交车每天早上六点十分出发。

10.—When did you last go to the movies? 你上次去看电影是什么时候?

—I last went to the movies on Saturday, October 20th. 我上次去看电影是星期六,十月二十日。

11.—When did you start working? 你什么时候开始工作的?

—I started working when I was 22 years old. 我22岁时开始工作。

12.—What time is your appointment? 你的预约是什么时候?

—My appointment is at 3 p.m. tomorrow. 我的预约是明天下午三点。

13.—When will you finish your race? 你什么时候完成你的比赛?

—I will finish my race at 2 p.m. this afternoon. 我将在今天下午两点完成我的比赛。

14.—What time do the trains arrive? 火车什么时候到达?

—The trains arrive at 15 minutes past every hour. 火车每小时十五分钟到达。

15.—When did you last go on a vacation? 你上次去度假是什么时候?

—I last went on a vacation to France in June of last year. 我上次去度假是去年六月份,去了法国。





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