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前5个月我国服务贸易保持增长 旅行服务增长最快

从长期趋势看,我国服务贸易呈现出以下特点:我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固;传统服务贸易仍然保持优势地位;知识密集型服务贸易持续增长;服务贸易创新发展试点城市作用突出;服务贸易数字化发展步伐加快。(图源自CFP)China's service trade maintains rapid growth mo



China's service trade maintains rapid growth momentum with the country's consolidated power status in service trade, China economic Times reported on Thursday.


In the first half of this year, China's total import and export of services reached 3.14 trillion yuan ($430 billion), up 8.5 percent year-on-year.


This growth rate is faster than the growth of trade in goods and outpaces the growth of trade in services among the world's major economies.


The reasons behind the rapid growth rate despite downward pressure in global economy are mainly the policies and measures taken by the Chinese government, said Li Jun, director of the institute of international trade in services under the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.


On one hand, China has opened up its service industry and issued supporting policies for service trade in the past few years. The rapid growth is considered as a result of policy effects.


On the other hand, it is also closely related to the continuous liberalization of border control measures in China's travel field. These measures include expanding group tour destinations; increasing air routes and flights; and driving cross-border tourism, study abroad and cross-border business activities.


In terms of structure, knowledge-intensive service trade grew rapidly, and its proportion continued to increase.


In the first half of this year, the import and export of knowledge-intensive services reached 1.36 trillion yuan, up 12.3 percent year-on-year, accounting for 43.5 percent of the total import and export of services, up 1.5 percentage points year-on-year.


Most of the knowledge-intensive services are digital deliverable services, indicating that the import and export of digital services is an important driving force for the development of service trade and is also the future development direction.


As an important way of service trade, service outsourcing has also maintained a sustained and stable growth trend and contributed to the overall growth of service trade.


In the long run, China's service trade power status continues to consolidate, with the traditional service trade still maintaining its dominant position, and trade in knowledge-intensive services continuing to grow.


Furthermore, pilot cities for innovative development of trade in services play a prominent role in promoting its development and the digital development of trade in services has been accelerated, according to Li.



service trade 服务贸易 ; 服务业 ; 国际服务贸易 ; 服务行业 ; 劳务贸易

maintains 保持 ; 维持 ; 维修 ; 坚持 ; 保养 ; 固执己见 ; maintain的第三人称单数

rapid growth 迅猛增长

momentum 势头 ; 动量 ; 动力 ; 冲力 ; 推进力

consolidated 结成一体,合并 ; 使巩固 ; 使加强 ; 加固的;统一的 ; consolidate的过去分词和过去式

status in 中的状态 ; 【计】状态字输入【STAI】

Economic 经济的 ; 经济学的 ; 经济上的 ; 合算的 ; 有利可图的 ; 可赚钱的

Times 时间 ; 时间,钟点,时刻 ; 时,时间 ; 计时 ; 选择…的时机 ; 为…安排时间 ; 测定…所需的时间 ; 在某一时刻击球 ; 倍 ; 乘以 ; time的第三人称单数和复数

reported 报告 ; 报道 ; 汇报 ; 发表 ; 公布 ; 通报 ; 宣布 ; 据说,传闻 ; 报告的;据报道的 ; report的过去分词和过去式

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