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Renewable energy has gained (1) _______ attention in recent years due to its numerous benefits for both the environment and the economy. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change, renewable energy sources offer a more susta

Renewable energy has gained (1) _______ attention in recent years due to its numerous benefits for both the environment and the economy. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change, renewable energy sources offer a more sustainable (2) _______.
One of the (3) _______ benefits of renewable energy is its ability to (4) _______ greenhouse gas emissions. traditional methods of energy production, such as burning coal or natural gas, release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In contrast, renewable energy sources like wind and solar power emit little to no greenhouse gases during the generation (5) _______.
Another (6) _______ advantage of renewable energy is its potential to create jobs and stimulate economic growth. The renewable energy industry has seen rapid expansion in recent years, creating new employment opportunities and attracting investment. This not only helps (7) _______ unemployment rates but also contributes to the overall development of local economies.
Furthermore, renewable energy sources offer a more (8) _______ and sustainable solution to meet our energy needs. Fossil fuel reserves are limited and will eventually run out, leading to higher energy costs and potential shortages. With renewable energy, we have access to an almost endless supply of natural resources like sunlight, wind, and water.
The (9) _______ of relying on renewable energy extend beyond environmental and economic factors. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we can (10) _______ the negative (11) _______ of climate change and air pollution. This, in turn, can improve public health and create a cleaner and safer environment for future generations.
To fully harness the benefits of renewable energy, it is essential to invest in research and development, improve infrastructure, and promote widespread adoption. Only by doing so can we build a sustainable future for ourselves and protect our planet.

A. adapt
B. reliable
C. potential
D. consume
E. process
F. consequence
G. solution
H. decrease
I. significant
J. impact
K. prevent


I. significant
G. solution
C. potential
H. decrease
E. process
I. significant
H. decrease
B. reliable
J. impact
K. prevent

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