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As the world’s population grows, so does the popularity of meat. In the past 50 years, global meat consumption has more than tripled. In China alone, meat consumption has grown fivefold since the early 1990s.

As the world’s population grows, so does the popularity of meat. In the past 50 years, global meat consumption has more than tripled. In China alone, meat consumption has grown fivefold since the early 1990s. However, the meat industry is also a significant contributor to climate change. Animal agriculture is responsible for nearly 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and the meat industry accounts for almost 40% of global agricultural output.

The production of meat requires vast amounts of land, water, and grain. It takes up to 20 times more energy to produce a pound of meat than a pound of vegetables. Moreover, animal waste is a major source of pollution, and the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming has promoted the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In addition, the consumption of red and processed meat has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Given these environmental and health concerns, some people have turned to plant-based meat substitutes as an alternative. Plant-based meat substitutes are made from ingredients such as soy, wheat, and pea protein, and are designed to taste and feel like real meat. They are more sustainable and less resource-intensive than traditional meat products, and they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

However, plant-based meat substitutes are not without their drawbacks. They are often heavily processed and may contain high levels of sodium and saturated fat. They are also more expensive than traditional meat products, making them less accessible to low-income consumers.

Overall, the rise of plant-based meat substitutes presents both opportunities and challenges. As the demand for meat alternatives continues to grow, there is a need to balance sustainability, health, and affordability.

1.According to the passage, what has happened to global meat consumption in the past 50 years?

A. It has stayed the same.

B. It has doubled.

C. It has tripled.

D. It has quadrupled.

2.What percentage of all greenhouse gas emissions is caused by animal agriculture?

A. 5%

B. 10%

C. 15%

D. 20%

3.What is a major source of pollution caused by animal agriculture?

A. Animal waste

B. Grain production

C. Water usage

D. Land use

4.What is a potential drawback of plant-based meat substitutes?

A. They are heavily processed.

B. They are more affordable than traditional meat products.

C. They produce more greenhouse gas emissions than traditional meat products.

D. They contain high levels of antibiotics.Answer: A

5.What is the conclusion the author draws about the rise of plant-based meat substitutes?

A. They are not sustainable or resource-efficient.

B. They are not accessible to low-income consumers.

C. They are a good alternative to traditional meat products, but need to be made more affordable.

D. They are a good alternative to traditional meat products, but have too many health concerns.Answer: C


1. c 2.c  3.a  4.a  5.c

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