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used to do和be used to doing的区别是什么?

"used to do" 和 "be used to doing" 都是英语中常用的表达方式,但它们的含义和用法不同。used to do和be used to doing的区别是什么?used to do和be used to doing的区别1."used to do" 表示过去经常做某事,但现在已经不再这样做了。例如:I used to play basketball e

"used to do" 和 "be used to doing" 都是英语中常用的表达方式,但它们的含义和用法不同。

used to do和be used to doing的区别是什么?
used to do和be used to doing的区别是什么?

used to do和be used to doing的区别

1."used to do" 表示过去经常做某事,但现在已经不再这样做了。例如:I used to play basketball every day when I was in high school.(我高中时每天都打篮球,但现在不再这样做了。)

2."be used to doing" 表示习惯于做某事,通常用于描述一个人已经适应了某种环境或行为方式。例如:I am used to getting up early in the morning.(我习惯早起。)

此外,"used to do" 可以用于否定句和疑问句中,而 "be used to doing" 则需要使用否定词或疑问词来构成否定句或疑问句。例如:

- I didn't use to like coffee, but now I do.(我过去不喜欢咖啡,但现在喜欢了。)

- Did you use to live in New York?(你过去住在纽约吗?)

- I am not used to speaking in public.(我不习惯在公众场合讲话。)

- Aren't you used to driving on the left side of the road?(你不习惯在左侧行驶吗?)

最后需要注意的是,"used to do" 和 "be used to doing" 的语态和时态也有所不同。"used to do" 可以用于各种时态和语态,而 "be used to doing" 则需要根据时态和语态的变化来调整。例如:

- He used to be a teacher.(他过去是一名教师。)

- They are used to living in a big city.(他们习惯生活在大城市。)

- She will be used to working long hours by the end of the month.(到月底,她会习惯长时间工作。)

- The report has been used to support their argument.(这份报告已被用来支持他们的论点。)

因此,两者的区别在于 "used to do" 强调过去的习惯,而 "be used to doing" 强调现在的习惯或适应程度

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