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周二,中国派遣最大巡逻舰前往中国东海捍卫中国领土权和海洋利益。SHANGHAI - China on Tuesday sent its largest patrol ship to the East China Sea for its maiden voyage in a bid to guard the country's territorial rights and ma


SHANGHAI - China on Tuesday sent its largest patrol ship to the East China Sea for its maiden voyage in a bid to guard the country's territorial rights and marine interests there. 




The 3,000-ton-class Haijian 50 will visit Rixiang Rock, Suyan Rock and the offshore oil and gas fields of Chunxiao and Pinghu, as well as China-Japan joint development zones, said Liu Zhendong, head of the East China Sea fleet of China Marine Surveillance, a paramilitary maritime law enforcement agency. 

The Chinese-manufactured vessel, a heavyweight compared to the more commonly used 1,000-ton-class patrol ships, is equipped with China's most advanced marine technology and is capable of accommodating China's Z9A helicopters, Liu said. 

China has 32,000 km of coastline. The total area of its territorial seawater, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, which is recognized under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is 3 million square km. 

China's 2010 Ocean Development Report released last May said the country's maritime rights and interests face a complicated situation and safety threats, including terrorism, disputes over maritime resources and sovereignty and sea delimitation.

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