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发表在《自然》期刊上的一项新研究发现,包括日语、汉语、土耳其语和蒙古语在内的泛欧亚语系起源于9000年前在中国东北种植谷子的农民。研究人员指出,农业的发展推动了语言的传播。[Photo/Pexels]A study combining linguistic, genetic



A study combining linguistic, genetic and archaeological evidence has traced the origins of the family of languages including modern Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Mongolian and the people who speak them to millet farmers who inhabited a region in northeastern China about 9,000 years ago.

一项综合了语言学、基因学和考古学证据的研究发现,现代日语、韩语、土耳其语和蒙古语等同一语系的语言以及说这些语言的人,都起源于大约 9000 年前在中国东北地区种植粟的古代农民。

The findings detailed on Wednesday document a shared genetic ancestry for the hundreds of millions of people who speak what the researchers call Transeurasian languages across an area stretching more than 8,000 km.


The findings illustrate how humankind's embrace of agriculture following the Ice Age powered the dispersal of some of the world's major language families. Millet was an important early crop as hunter-gatherers transitioned to an agricultural lifestyle.


There are 98 Transeurasian languages. Among these are Korean and Japanese as well as: various Turkic languages including Turkish in parts of Europe, Anatolia, central Asia and Siberia; various Mongolic languages including Mongolian in Central and Northeast Asia; and various Tungusic languages in northeastern China and Siberia.


This language family's beginnings were traced to Neolithic millet farmers in the Liao River valley, an area encompassing parts of the Chinese provinces of Liaoning and Jilin and the region of Inner Mongolia. As these farmers moved across northeastern Asia, the descendant languages spread north and west into Siberia and the steppes and east into the Korean peninsula and over the sea to the Japanese archipelago over thousands of years.


steppe [step]: n. 大草原,干草原(特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原)

The research underscored the complex beginnings for modern populations and cultures.


"Accepting that the roots of one's language, culture or people lie beyond the present national boundaries is a kind of surrender of identity, which some people are not yet prepared to make," said comparative linguist Martine Robbeets, leader of the Archaeolinguistic Research Group at the Max Planck Institute for the science of Human History in Germany and lead author of the study published in the journal Nature.

该研究的主要作者、比较语言学家马丁·罗贝茨坦言:“承认自己的语言、文化的根源或祖先来自境外,是一种身份的屈服,这让有些人接受不了。” 罗贝茨也是德国马克斯·普朗克人类历史科学研究所考古语言学研究小组的负责人。这项研究发表在《自然》期刊上。

"Powerful nations such as Japan, Korea and China are often pictured as representing one language, one culture and one genetic profile. But a truth that makes people with nationalist agendas uncomfortable is that all languages, cultures and humans, including those in Asia, are mixed," Robbeets added.


The researchers devised a dataset of vocabulary concepts for the 98 languages, identified a core of inherited words related to agriculture and fashioned a language family tree.


Archaeologist and study co-author Mark Hudson of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History said the researchers examined data from 255 archaeological sites in China, Japan, the Korean peninsula and the Russia Far East, assessing similarities in artifacts including pottery, stone tools and plant and animal remains. They also factored in the dates of 269 ancient crop remains from various sites.


The researchers determined that farmers in northeastern China eventually supplemented millet with rice and wheat, an agricultural package that was transmitted when these populations spread to the Korean peninsula by about 1300 BC and from there to Japan after about 1000 BC.


The researchers performed genomic analyses on ancient remains of 23 people and examined existing data on others who lived in North and East Asia as long as 9,500 years ago.


For example, a woman's remains found in Yokchido in South Korea had 95% ancestry from Japan's ancient Jomon people, indicating her recent ancestors had migrated over the sea.


The origins of modern Chinese languages arose independently, though in a similar fashion with millet also involved. While the progenitors of the Transeurasian languages grew broomcorn millet in the Liao River valley, the originators of the Sino-Tibetan language family farmed foxtail millet at roughly the same time in China's Yellow River region, paving the way for a separate language dispersal, Robbeets said.



linguistic 语言的 ; 语言学的

archaeological 考古的;考古学的;考古学上的

traced 查出 ; 找到 ; 发现 ; 追踪 ; 追溯 ; 追究 ; 描绘 ; 追述 ; 记述 ; trace的过去分词和过去式

origins 起源 ; 源头 ; 起因 ; 身世 ; 出身 ; origin的复数

family of languages 语系

Mongolian 蒙古族的 ; 蒙古的;蒙古族的 ; 蒙古族 ; 蒙古语 ; 蒙古人

millet 黍类 ; 谷子 ; 粟

inhabited 有人居住的 ; 有动物栖居的 ; 居住在 ; 栖居于 ; inhabit的过去分词和过去式

northeastern 东北的

years ago 多年前



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