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Lady Gaga邀一众巨星开虚拟演唱会,为新冠疫情筹款

Global Citizen and the World Health Organization announced One World: Together At Home, a Live Aid-style event designed to celebrate healthcare workers around the globe and to support the U.N. Foundation's COVID-19 R

Global Citizen and the World Health organization announced One World: together At Home, a Live Aid-style event designed to celebrate healthcare workers around the globe and to support the U.N. Foundation's COVID-19 Response Fund.


The concert will be broadcast live on TV and on social media Saturday, April 18 at 8 p.m. ET.


Curated by Lady Gaga, the festival promises performances from Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Billie Eilish and Lizzo, as well as appearances from non-musicians like David Beckham.

这场演唱会由Lady Gaga组织,你会看到保罗·麦卡特尼、史提夫·汪达、比莉·艾利什和莉佐的表演,大卫·贝克汉姆等非音乐人士也会出现。

Lady Gaga邀一众巨星开虚拟演唱会,为新冠疫情筹款

In addition to boasting one of the flashiest lineups of the hundreds of live streamed concerts that have been organized over the past several weeks, the global Citizen event also will be one of the most widely available.


In a press release, Global Citizen writes that the stream will be broadcast on all the major American television networks as well as virtually every social media platform.


One World: Together At Home comes after weeks of individual "Together At Home" performances on artists' Instagram pages. Chris Martin, John Legend and Common, among others, have all streamed concerts aimed at generating funding for the same response fund.


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