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导读:你的皮肤不好,还老是起一些皱纹?那你就要看看自己是不是也有这6个习惯啦!Forget using expensive lotions and potions to turn back the clock, there are some simple changes you can make every day to fight the clock.不要



Forget using expensive lotions and potions to turn back the clock, there are some simple changes you can make every day to fight the clock.


The best skincare experts in the business have shared the ways you could be adding a decade to your face without even realising - and they’re surprising simple to rectify.


Here, they reveal the ways you’re ageing yourself - including how you wear your hair, what bed linen you lay on and how you drink your beverages.


1. Using your phone: Eva Alexandrides, Managing director and Co-Founder of 111SKIN, www.111skin.com, says that constant mobile phone usage can be very problematic for your skin.


2. Your bed linen: Did you know the way you sleep can cause ageing? according to Skin repair Expert, Lorena Oberg, lying on your side can cause skin to create small folds on your body causing premature wrinkles. Silk pillowcases are meant to be gentle on skin and also stop your hair frizzing.


3. Drinking through a straw: Whilst straws are recommended to protect our teeth from juices and coffee, the action of sucking a straw can cause fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth area.


4. Room and water temperature: Temperatures that are too hot can dry out your skin really quickly. Hot showers and central heating over time will cause the skin to crack and become dry, showing off fine wrinkles.


5. Having long hair: Kala Kilshaw, creative Director at EGO Professional, maintains that wearing hair too long can be ageing as it pulls features and can make the face look longer. Be brave and go for a chop. Not only will you rid the hair of any old split ends, the younger hair will be shinier and healthier and help to keep you looking young. It will also be much easier to manage, dry and will frame the face.

5、留长发。EGO Professional创意总监卡拉·基尔肖认为,头发过长会让人看起来更老,因为垂下来的头发会让人的脸看起来很长。所以勇敢地减掉自己的头发吧!这样你不仅会摆脱头发分叉的苦恼,新长出来的健康头发还会闪闪发亮,让你看起来更年轻。而且短发打理起来也更简单一些,还能衬托出你的脸。

6. Using soap: Priti Patel at Riverbanks Wellness and Anti-aging clinic said: ’Shockingly people still use “soap” – this really dry’s the skin, when we have very dry skin we are able to see wrinkles and fine lines.’


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