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导读:长辈给晚辈压岁钱,是中国延续了很久的新年传统。在互联网世界,这种线下讨好彩头的压岁钱变成了更广泛的虚拟红包。但是随着AR等技术的发展,这种线上的互动正在通过另一种形成变得真实, 腾讯QQ和支付宝都宣布,今年的农历新年将推

导读:长辈给晚辈压岁钱,是中国延续了很久的新年传统。在互联网世界,这种线下讨好彩头的压岁钱变成了更广泛的虚拟红包。但是随着AR等技术的发展,这种线上的互动正在通过另一种形成变得“真实”, 腾讯QQ和支付宝都宣布,今年的农历新年将推出AR实景红包,今年的红包大战会更有趣


Grabbing a digital "red envelope", a cash gift exchanged through a smartphone app, is a popular activity during lunar New Year in China. The activity is expected to become even more fun with the emergence of AR (Augmented Reality) technology.


Tencent’s QQ and Alipay, two popular apps in China, have announced that AR red envelopes will be put online on the apps during the upcoming Chinese New Year, according to a report by Chinanews.com.


Unlike conventional digital red envelopes that one can open by simply touching the screen of their smartphones, the two companies have said that opening the new AR offerings will be more akin to Pokemon Go.


"The essence of the red envelops is still about socializing, and AR technology is just a tool. By incorporating the AR technology to our app, we hope it will bring more fun to our users while giving out red envelops, "said Tencent Vice president Yin Yu.


According to the latest information disclosed by the two companies so far, users will be able to hide a red envelop in a certain place and then set other information about the red envelope, including a map to its location, and the people who will be eligible to find it.


The information about the red envelope, and an invitation to find it, can be sent to the users’ friends through social platforms like WeChat. The finders must go to the place where the AR red envelope was hidden before they can grab it through the app.


The giving of red envelopes on occasions like Chinese New Year is a tradition among the Chinese people. Typically, older members of the family give the red envelopes to the children in the family to celebrate lunar New Year. In modern times, the tradition has evolved into a game among young people.


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