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叙利亚和谈首日联合国秘书长与叙利亚外交部长口角The first day of the peace conference in Montreux, was marked by frustration and bitterness. Syrias foreign minister had a heated exchange with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-mo



The first day of the peace conference in Montreux, was marked by frustration and bitterness. Syria’s foreign minister had a heated exchange with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

UN Chief Ban Ki-moon (L) and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem (R).

 Walid al-Moallem had been speaking for 20 minutes when Ban interrupted the diplomat and asked him to "wrap up" his speech.

Ban: "How much do you have left now?"

Al-Moallem: "I think five, 10 minutes."

Ban: "Oh no, no. It’s...Can you just...I will give you another opportunity at the end."

Al-Moallem: "No, I cannot divide my speech. I must continue. I’ll do my best to be."

Ban: "Can you just wrap up in one or two minutes?"

Al-Moallem: "No I can’t promise you. I must finish my speech."

Ban: "But then I’ll have to give equal time to the opposition groups."

Al-Moallem: "Yourself, you live in New York, I live in Syria. I have the right to give the Syrian version, here in this forum."

Ban: "Yes, of course."

Al-Moallem: "After three years of suffering, this is my right."

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