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一个4岁女孩的抗癌故事:以为只要坚强就会没事 可谁知病魔总是那

导读:听过太多故事,喝过太多鸡汤,所以总以为只要坚持就会胜利,可是有时候现实是那么地骨感。The photograph is a potent expression of a childs agony, shocking in its brutal honesty.这张照片强有力地表达出了孩子的痛苦,并以其


一个4岁女孩的抗癌故事:以为只要坚强就会没事 可谁知病魔总是那

The photograph is a potent expression of a child’s agony, shocking in its brutal honesty.


It depicts a dying four-year-old girl and makes no attempt to disguise the stark reality. Few images make such a direct and visceral appeal to the human heart.


This week, Andy Whelan took the photo of his daughter Jessica, who has terminal cancer and just weeks to live, and posted it on social media.


Within 24 hours, Jessica’s photo had reached half a million people. The outpouring of empathy was overwhelming.


Why did Andy and his partner Nicky Prendergrast, Jessica’s mother, decide to share their family’s grief and their daughter’s distress in such an uncompromising way?


‘We knew the photo would evoke strong emotions,’ Andy says. ‘And I battled with myself: should we share this? But I knew it needed to be seen.


‘So many photos show smiling bald children in hospital wards surrounded by santas, actors and celebrities, their happy faces full of hope, which is uplifting. But this is not the everyday face of childhood cancer, which is brutal and painful.


’We wanted to strip away the sentimentality, to make people aware of what cancer does to a child in the final weeks of life.


‘This is the true face of the disease: my little girl’s blood vessels visible under her skin, a solitary tear running down her cheek, her body stiff and her face contorted with pain.


‘It was taken at the moment when we, her parents, could offer her no comfort, during a flare-up of pain before her fast-acting morphine had taken effect, Jessica pushing us away as she rode out her searing pain in solitude.’


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