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iPhone7:它的无线耳机和升级版apple watch

导读:iPhone7手机取消耳机插口,新增无线耳机。《超级马里奥》将登台iPhone7,《精灵宝可梦Go》也将亮相升级版苹果手表。Apple Inc unveiled its new water and dust-resistant iPhone 7 with high-resolution cameras at its fall produ


iPhone7:它的无线耳机和升级版apple watch

Apple Inc unveiled its new water and dust-resistant iPhone 7 with high-resolution cameras at its fall product event on Wednesday, and said a Super Mario game was coming to the new phone and Pokemon Go would feature on its upgraded Apple Watch.


The excitement at the Bill Graham auditorium in San Francisco was not matched on Wall Street as Apple’s stock was down 0.4 percent. However, Nintendo Co Ltd’s U.S.-listed shares jumped more than 20 percent to trade around $35 after it announced a new smartphone game in the venerable Super Mario Bros series, Super Mario Run, which will debut in December on the iPhone and iPad.


iPhone7:它的无线耳机和升级版apple watch

The world’s best-known technology company said the iPhone 7, starting at $649, would have one, zooming 12-megapixel camera. The ’Plus’ edition, starting at $769, would feature two cameras.

苹果公司表示,配备单颗1200像素变焦摄像头的iPhone7起售价649美元,配备两个摄像头的iPhone7 Plus起售价769美元。

It also removed the analog headphone jack, as was widely expected. The new headphones supplied by Apple with the phone will plug into the same port as the recharging cord, but it will also work with Apple’s new wireless headphones, called Air Pods, available in late October at a price of $159. The new phone will start shipping in major markets, including the United States and China on Sept. 16.

像大家期待的那样,苹果公司取消了耳机查孔。苹果的新耳机Air Pods为无线耳机,官方标配有线耳机将和充电线共用一个插口。Air Pods将在十月上市售价159美元。新手机将在9月16日包括美国中国在内的主要市场上开始出售。

“While the camera improvements for the iPhone 7 Plus are nice, they are incremental for most and the lack of headphone jacks could offset that for others,” said Bob O’Donnell of research firm TECHnalysis.

TECHnalysis分析师鲍勃说:“虽然iPhone7 Plus相机功能的改进很赞,但是取消耳机孔这一举可能会抵消人们对新款手机的喜爱。”

He said Apple’s new glossy black finish could be more popular than any tech feature, reflecting the slowdown in major tech innovations for smartphones.


Mike Binger, senior portfolio manager at Gradient Investments LLC in Minneapolis, said the disappearance of the headphone jack “will probably annoy a certain amount of people” but they would likely get over it.

投资公司Gradient Investments LLC高级投资组合经理迈克·宾格说取消耳机插口可能会惹恼一部分人群,但是他们可能还是会习惯的。

“Every other release tends to be a better release. Most people’s two-year contracts are nearing the end, so I think the iPhone 7, just from a replacement basis, will be a successful launch,” he said. “We’re in good shape for a nice sales cycle here, so I’m encouraged.”


Apple typically gives its main product, which accounts for more than half of its revenue, a big makeover every other year and the last major redesign was the iPhone 6 in 2014.


Apple said its Apple Watch series 2, with a swim-proof casing, will be available in more than 25 countries starting on Sept. 16.


“I predict Watch sales will improve dramatically," said Tech analyst Patrick Moorhead. "Most of the current Watch owners are early adopters and the next wave could be 10 times the size of that market.”

“我预测苹果手表的销量会显著上升,”TECHnalysis分析师Patrick Moorhead补充道,“目前大部分苹果手表的业主都是早期的接受人群,估计下一次浪潮可能会是这个市场规模的10倍。”

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