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导读:上周三,脸书公布其在计算机图像识别多年的研究成果,此举意在加快大众对此技术的认识,同时吸引更多的专业研究人员。Facebook is opening up its image-recognition artificial intelligence research to the public.The Menlo Par



Facebook is opening up its image-recognition artificial intelligence research to the public.The Menlo Park, Calif.-based tech giant is releasing years’ worth of code and research on “machine vision,” or computer image recognition and understanding, the company announced Thursday.


The aim is to help rapidly advance the field of machine vision as the social network expands on users’ interest in sharing and interacting with photos and videos. The company will continue to publish its latest results and update open source tools made available.


“The more the community is using open source code, the faster it is improved and innovated on, which helps expand expertise and adds longevity to projects we feel are very important,” Piotr Dollar, Facebook AI Research (FAIR) research scientist, said to USA TODAY in an e-mail.

脸书公司人工智能部门的研究专家Piotr Dollar在给今日美国的邮件中说:“越多的社区加入此开源项目,该领域的创新就越快,同时也能增加这一领域的专业学者的数量,使该领域的研究更加繁荣。”

Facebook hopes to use AI to eventually search for specific images without an explicit tag on each photo, and enable those with vision loss to understand an image from a system describing it to them.


Like other big tech companies, particularly Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple, Facebook is racing to have an edge in artificial intelligence, seen as key to making its ecosystem of services, which include Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, more intertwined with its users’ daily lives.


Founder Mark Zuckerberg’s 10-year vision for the company relies on major technological breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and global internet connectivity.


Facebook is no stranger to open source, or releasing software online to be redistributed or modified. On its website, the company has a variety of open sourced software for its Android and iOS apps, web service and the backend infrastructure.


“Facebook has a culture of support for open source hardware and software,” Dollar said. “Progress in science and technology accelerates when scientists and technologists share not just their results, but their tools and methods.”


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