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Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Beijing May 23 (CCTV.com)- A woman from Chengdu recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, told a reporter that in her childhood she often saw the

Beijing May 23 (CCTV.com)- A woman from Chengdu recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, told a reporter that in her childhood she often saw the mark of wooden printing, which was gradually fading out of the public consciousness throughout China.

Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

Li found that the traditional Chinese movable-type printing, which was rarely seen in China, was very popular in some foreign countries that she had visited, so she decided it was necessary to bring the traditional culture back into the mainstream.

“It was hard for us to slow down mood as living a high-pace modern life, and by injecting modern vitality into the ancient culture, we could make traditions more interesting and warm,” Li said.

Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

Li said that she would always put the used movable characters back on the storage shelf, because the process of taking them out and putting them back gave her a deeper feeling of the unique charm of Chinese characters. She would also separate the movable-type printing from the woodblock printing, to let customers experience the development and changes of printing.

 Li’s son was a primary school student, he would come to his mother’s courtyard and make the type-setting and printing himself.

Li’s efforts made traditional culture more fashionable and greatly influenced the next generation.

Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

Chengdu woman revives type printing tradition

Li Huiping, 40, from Chengdu, recently attracted a lot of attention from netizens for reviving movable-type printing.

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