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China to guide the development of online literature

BEIJING, May 4 (Xinhua) -- The General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has asked the China Writers Association (CWA) to guide online literature and carry out other reforms.According to a pl

BEIJING, May 4 (Xinhua) -- The general office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) central Committee has asked the China Writers association (CWA) to guide online literature and carry out other reforms.

According to a plan to deepen reform of the CWA issued by the office on Thursday, CWA should establish evaluation and incentive systems that will benefit the development of online literature.

The Party's role in literature work should also be strengthened. For instance, the Party should guide and support works focusing on juveniles and patriotism, as well as realistic and historical topics.

In the meantime, the CWA should organize literature exchange programs among Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and provide more communication opportunities between Chinese and foreign writers.

It should also encourage translation and publication of classic Chinese literature and enhance the global influence of contemporary Chinese literature.

The plan points out that the CWA should stick to cultural self-confidence. It calls for writers to closely unite around the CPC Central Committee in a bid to enrich and develop the literature cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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  • development
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    China to guide the development of online literature



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