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China embarks on 33rd Antarctic expedition

Chinese scientists have begun their 33rd scientific expedition to Antarctica, the worlds least explored continent.Team members of research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon) say goodbye at a Shanghai dock, east

Chinese scientists have begun their 33rd scientific expedition to Antarctica, the world’s least explored continent. 

China embarks on 33rd Antarctic expedition

Team members of research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon) say goodbye at a Shanghai dock, east China, Nov. 2, 2016. China launched its 33rd Antarctic expedition when Xuelong left a Shanghai dock Wednesday morning. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)

Icebreaker Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, left Shanghai with a team of 256 members which will spend more than 160 days on the expedition.

The team will visit the four Chinese stations there and carry out multiple research tasks, including preliminary site selection for a new base on the Ross Sea. Also on their to-do list, scientists will drill ice cores to study the changes of the world’s environment over the past 50,000 years.

The team is scheduled to return home in early April next year.

China embarks on 33rd Antarctic expedition

Team members of research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong (Snow Dragon) say goodbye at a Shanghai dock, east China, Nov. 2, 2016. China launched its 33rd Antarctic expedition when Xuelong left a Shanghai dock Wednesday morning. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)

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