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Hangzhou artists cashing in on extraordinary event

To have hosted a G20 Summit is something only a handful of cities in the world can lay claim to. With the summit not to return to China for another 19 years, it has almost a once-in-a-generation feel to it and Hangzhous

To have hosted a G20 Summit is something only a handful of cities in the world can lay claim to. With the summit not to return to China for another 19 years, it has almost a once-in-a-generation feel to it and Hangzhou’s artists are milking this opportunity while they can.

In China, the art of making clay figurines is an intangible cultural heritage, dating back thousands of years. The artist Wu Xiaoli thinks the G20 is the perfect chance to promote it.

Hangzhou artists cashing in on extraordinary event

Clay figures featuring the leaders to attend the upcoming G20 Summit are seen in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 1, 2016. Made by artist Wu Xiaoli with the name "Dream of World Peace", the clay figures were displayed at Hangzhou's Qiaoxi historic block. (Xinhua/Ju Huanzong)

“We began to make these figurines last year when we got news that Hangzhou would host the G20 summit,” Wu said.

“We found their pictures online, and observed very carefully their facial features. Such as president Xi has a little baby fat on his face making him look very kind, and Putin has a high nose and high cheeks.”

The full set of figurines took them three months to make. But, despite their hard work, Wu would like people to understand that art is accessible to all, adults and children alike.

Hangzhou artists cashing in on extraordinary event

Clay figures featuring the leaders to attend the upcoming G20 Summit are seen in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 1, 2016. Made by artist Wu Xiaoli with the name "Dream of World Peace", the clay figures were displayed at Hangzhou's Qiaoxi historic block. (Xinhua/Ju Huanzong)

Through these G-20 inspired clay figurines, Wu wants to show how simple and practical the art is, and hopes to bring her more bussiness. 

It was not long at all before the G20 figurines were snapped up by excited customers. once word got out over various media channels, her footfall increased several times over

“We’ve been learning the craft here for two months. We knew about Ms. Wu from television. We want to open a shop like hers,” said Tang Xiaofen, clay figurine student.

Hangzhou artists cashing in on extraordinary event

Artist Wu Xiaoli finishes a clay figure featuring the U.S. President Barack Obama prior to the upcoming G20 Summit in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 1, 2016. Made by artist Wu Xiaoli with the name "Dream of World Peace", the clay figures were displayed at Hangzhou's Qiaoxi historic block. (Xinhua/Ju Huanzong)

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