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印军在克什米尔停火线发动炮击 巴基斯坦寻求联合国帮助

Pakistan says India has again violated a ceasefire and resorted to heavy firing across the de facto border in divided Kashmir.According to the Pakistani foreign ministry, five civilians were killed, and Pakistan has aske

Pakistan says India has again violated a ceasefire and resorted to heavy firing across the de facto border in divided Kashmir.

According to the Pakistani foreign ministry, five civilians were killed, and Pakistan has asked the UN to mediate.

India and Pakistan intermittently exchange fire along the Line of Control, despite an agreement in 2003 that a ceasefire should be observed along the working boundary.

Both New Delhi and Islamabad blame each other for resorting to unprovoked attacks. Kashmir has been a bone of contention since both Pakistan and India gained independence in 1947.

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