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导读:零燃料太阳能飞机Impulse在西班牙着落,完成它横跨大西洋的历史性飞行。The zero-fuel aeroplane, Solar Impulse, has landed in Spain, completing the Atlantic leg of its historic bid to circumnavigate the globe.零燃料太阳



The zero-fuel aeroplane, Solar Impulse, has landed in Spain, completing the Atlantic leg of its historic bid to circumnavigate the globe.


The landing in Seville marked the end of the 15th stage of Solar Impulse’s route.


Pilot Bertrand Piccard made swift progress over the ocean after leaving New York on Monday.

飞行员Bertrand Piccard周一从纽约出发后,以较快的进展飞过了大海洋。

Mission managers will now plot a route to Abu Dhabi where the venture began in March, 2015.


The project had hoped to end the Atlantic leg in Paris, to echo the pioneering flight in 1927 of Charles Lindbergh.

这个计划曾希望大西洋站在巴黎结束,以致敬1927年Charles Lindbergh的开拓性飞行。

Lindbergh’s spirit of St Louis aircraft was the first to make the solo crossing.

Lindbergh的Spirit of St Louis飞机第一个独自跨越大西洋。

As it turned out, the forecast this week in Paris was for storms, and so Seville was therefore chosen as the safest option, the BBC’s science correspondent, Jonathan Amos, reports.

结果,巴黎这周将有风暴,Seville便因最为安全而被选中,BBC的科学记者Jonathan Amos报道说。

Solar Impulse has moved rapidly around the Earth since renewing its challenge in Hawaii on 21 April.


In 2015, the plane flew eight stages from Abu Dhabi to Kalaeloa, including a remarkable four-day, 21-hour leg over the western Pacific - the longest solo flight in aviation history in terms of the time it took.

2015年,第8次飞行是从Abu Dhabi飞到Kalaeloa,还有4天21小时的飞跃西太平洋——在航空史属于时间最长单人飞行任务。

But it was damage to its batteries on that stage that forced Solar Impulse to then lay up for 10 months, for repairs and to wait for optimum daylight length in the northern hemisphere to return.


Solar Impulse is covered in 17,000 photovoltaic cells.


These either power the vehicle’s electric motors directly, or charge its lithium-ion batteries, which sustain the aircraft during the night hours.


The project is not really intended to be a template for the future of aviation, but rather a demonstration of the capabilities of solar power in general.


Mr Piccard shares the flying duties with his business partner, Andre Borschberg.

Piccard与他的商业伙伴Andre Borschberg一起飞行。

The former Swiss air force pilot will take charge for the next leg, across the Mediterranean.


Setting off from Seville will be easier than from Paris in this respect, said project team-member Yves Andre Fasel who liaises with air traffic control.

从这个角度来看,从Seville出发比从巴黎出发容易,该项目负责联络空中交通管制部门的Yves Andre Fasel说。

"If we would have arrived in Paris like we wished, it would have been very complicated because we would have had to cross a lot of air traffic controls.


"From Seville, if we go along North Africa, I don’t think there will be a lot of difficulties - from traffic. The difficulties will be more to do with military reasons and things like that."


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