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习近平主席丝路国际论坛发表重要讲话习近平主席出席了在波兰首都华沙举办的丝路国际论坛开幕式,并发表了题为《携手同心共创未来》的重要讲话。Chinese President Xi Jinping has attended the opening ceremony of the Third Silk Road



Chinese president Xi Jinping has attended the opening ceremony of the Third Silk Road forum in the Polish capital of Warsaw. 

In a speech at the forum on Monday, he called on China and Poland to build their partnership into a model of cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.


Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at opening ceremony of the Silk Road Forum and Poland-China Regional Cooperation and Business Forum, in Warsaw, Poland, June 20, 2016. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)

Referring to the initiative as a common endeavor, President Xi urged the participating countries to relate to each other with mutual respect and inclusiveness. 

He proposed to designate economy and trade as priorities in cooperation, and called for joint efforts to improve trade and investment between China and Europe. 

President Xi also said the Belt and Road Initiative has become a significant force for maintaining world peace and stability. 

Xi said, "The Belt and Road Initiative has existed for three years and has attracted a lot of attention, as well as positive support from countries situated along the route."

"With their support, clear progress has been made. This has delivered the message that mutual benefit and the spirit of learning from each other never fades as time pases."

"Also the belief in a peaceful, open and inclusive cooperation among countries is treasured without borders. This has carried forward the Silk Road spirit, to build up the One Belt and One Road under consensus." 

"This is also to enhance regional economic prosperity, as well as world peace and stability. This is the world trend and reflects the hopes of all people."

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