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柯俊院士遗体捐献武大 科学家最后的贡献

Famous Chinese materials scientist Ke Jun died in Beijing on August 8, at the age of 101. [Photo from Chutian Metropolis Daily]The body of famous Chinese materials scientist Ke Jun has been formally handed over to Wuhan

柯俊院士遗体捐献武大 科学家最后的贡献

Famous Chinese materials scientist Ke Jun died in Beijing on August 8, at the age of 101. [Photo from Chutian Metropolis Daily]

The body of famous Chinese materials scientist Ke Jun has been formally handed over to Wuhan university for research and education.

Ke died in Beijing on August 8, at the age of 101. In accordance with his will, his body would be donated to science, China Youth Daily reported.

about 200 people including Ke's relatives and officials from Wuhan University and Beijing University of science and technology attended a ceremony marking the donation on Thursday in Wuhan, Hubei province.

Ke Jun, born in Changchun of Northeast China's Jilin province, graduated from the chemistry department of Wuhan University in 1938. He gained his doctorate degree at Birmingham University in Britain in 1948.

Ke joined Beijing University of Iron and Steel Technology in 1954, and later became a professor at the Beijing University of Science and Technology. He was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.

His studies on the mechanism of bainite transformation in steel have led to very active research on bainite in the world for nearly four decades.

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