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近日,特朗普粪坑国家言论曝光,遭到各方强烈谴责。著名主持人史蒂芬科拜尔更是在节目中进行了一番讽刺调侃。Welcome to the Late Show, Im your host Stephen Colbert.欢迎来到《晚间秀》,我是主持人史蒂芬科拜尔。All week long, all



Welcome to the Late Show, I’m your host Stephen Colbert.


All week long, all week long, president Trump has tried desperately to convince us that he is a stable steady leader. He took questions, open up a meeting to the press, met with foreign dignitaries. It was a nice act. But like many men at his age, he cannot only keep it up for so long.


Today, today, today, he returned to the same unstable reactionary president. We’ve all come to know and, know, this afternoon he was meeting with lawmakers to discuss immigration policy. Several of his lawmakers suggested lifting restrictions for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and various African countries.


Trump reportedly said “why are we having all these people from Sh*thole countries come here?” sir, they’re not Sh*thole countries. For one, Donald Trump isn’t their president. But... [Applause] Am I right about that? Am I right about ... ? I don’t know. But the president didn’t just complain, he offered an alternative.


He thinks “the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway”. “You know what I’m saying, Norwegian people. You catch my drift, people with blonde hair who need a lot of sunscreen. You get what I’m saying... I’m saying I’m a racist. Are you getting that parts? Is this, is this on?


But that wasn’t the only packet of international crazy sauce he squirted out today. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he reassured us that things are going great with North Korea, saying “I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong-un”. Probably? That’s definitely terrifying.


How do you not know if you have a relationship with someone. “I’m probably married to Melania. she’s certainly around here a lot.” Now at one point, Donald Trump said that North Korea might be trying to drive a wedge between the US and South Korea, but assured us that “I know more about wedges than any human being that’s lived”. Oh sir, you are a wedge,the simplest of tools.

如果你和某人有某种关系,又怎么会不敢确定?“我或许和梅拉尼亚(特朗普现任妻子)结婚了,她当然经常在这。”唐纳德·特朗普还说朝鲜可能试图挑拨美国和韩国的关系(drive a wedge between the US and South Korea),但是他向人们保证“我可是最懂楔子(wedge)的人”。天哪,总统先生,楔子是最简单的工具了,您才是个楔子。

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