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英国大选投票在即 民调显示特蕾莎或失去优势

LONDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives are at risk of losing their overall majority, while remaining the largest party in Westminster, BBC forecasts suggest.The Conservatives are predicted to win

LonDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives are at risk of losing their overall majority, while remaining the largest party in Westminster, BBC forecasts suggest.

The Conservatives are predicted to win 318 seats, Labour 262.

based on results so far, it remains unclear whether Theresa May's party will secure the 326 seats required for a majority.

Theresa May said Britain needed a period of stability and that she would take responsibility for delivering it if she won the most seats.

"At this time, more than anything else this country needs a period of stability," May said after winning her own parliamentary seat.

"If, as the indications have shown, and if this is correct that the Conservative Party has won the most seats and probably the most votes then it will be incumbent on us to ensure that we have that period of stability and that is exactly what we will do," May said.

There are 46.9 million registered voters in the UK and they will vote to choose 650 members of Parliament to represent them. In theory, if one party gets at least 326 MPs, it will be able to form a government. If the largest party gets less than 326, it may have to form a coalition. As Sinn Fein MPs from Northern Ireland and MPs appointed to the Speaker's office don't vote, the actual minimum number of seats for a practical majority is 322.

The polls are not always reliable – in 2015 the same pollsters predicted David Cameron's Conservatives would be the biggest party, but 10 seats short of an overall majority.

In the event Cameron won with an an overall majority of 17, which May inherited when she became prime minister in June last year.

First results in today's election are expected around 23:00 local time, and an overall result could come in any time between 4:30 or 7:00.

英国大选投票在即 民调显示特蕾莎或失去优势

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May and her husband Philip arrive at the count center for her seat for the general election in Maidenhead, June 9, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

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